
"I reflected on my parents who had knee issues and osteoarthritis in their knees. They went from cane to walker, to wheelchair, and I didn't want that to happen to me."

Becky Kennedy Mumm, Knee Replacement Patient

Normal concerns can get in the way of addressing joint pain

If you're concerned about having surgery during a pandemic, you're not alone

For many, exposure to illness is at the top of the list, and the COVID-19 pandemic only has intensified these concerns. 

Healthcare professionals, surgery centers, and hospitals continually focus on patient safety. Ask your doctor about what’s being done to protect patients.

Joint Replacement During the COVID-19 Pandemic - Questions to Ask Your Doctor

Fear may keep you on a painful track

Many people — 47% — delayed seeking relief from their joint pain due to concerns with the post-operative rehabilitation process.1

Find out how you can best prepare for recovery. Talk to your surgeon about your fears. 

What to Expect After Joint Replacement Surgery

Even people with medical insurance may worry about healthcare costs

One in 10 of those needing joint replacements said they postponed surgery because of financial concerns.1

If financial insecurity is one of the reasons you continue to suffer from joint pain, discover resources that may help you.

Insurance and Joint Replacement - Your Guide to Getting Started

Ready to start asking questions, but don’t have an orthopedic surgeon? Use the doctor locator to help find a joint replacement specialist near you.

Select an article to get started

These articles discuss common questions and concerns about moving forward with joint replacement surgery. They can inform and reassure, and help you get more out of conversations with your orthopedic surgeon.

Becky didn’t let pain gain on her

When she realized she was headed for an increasingly limited future, she decided not to delay any longer. She didn’t want to live with worsening pain and continue to miss out on activities. For Becky, it was a life-changing decision.

"I am just amazed at how far I can walk pain free with my new knee replacements. I'm doing more physical activity at 63 than I was at 55 and perhaps even 50 and even better, I'm pain free!"

Becky Kennedy Mumm, Knee Replacement Patient
Click here to see the full story. Results and postoperative ability and activity level will vary based on weight, pre-operative health condition, and other factors. Talk to your surgeon about the risks of joint replacement, such as continued pain and immobility, and whether surgery is right for you.

Let us help you face your uncertainty

Sign up for emails with insights on topics customized to your concerns. They can help you get comfortable with taking action.

A couple in their 50's relax in their home on the living room couch, enjoying reading and surfing the internet on their mobile touchscreen phones and computer tablet.

Results are not necessarily typical, indicative, or representative of all recipient patients.  Results will vary due to health, weight, activity and other variables.  Not all patients are candidates for this product and/or procedure.  Only a medical professional can determine the treatment appropriate for your specific condition.  Appropriate post-operative activities will differ from patient to patient.   Talk to your surgeon about whether joint replacement is right for you and the risks of the procedure, including the risks of infection, implant wear, loosening, breakage or failure, any of which can require additional surgery.  For additional information or to find a surgeon near you, visit www.zimmerbiomet.com or call 1-800-HIP-KNEE.

1 Zimmer Biomet Joint Replacement Patient and Caregiver U.S. Perception Survey. Accessed September 25, 2020.

Intended for US patients and caregivers only. 

Methodology Statement: The Zimmer Biomet Joint Replacement Patient and Caregiver U.S. Perception Survey was conducted online within the United States by Wakefield Research on behalf of Zimmer Biomet, from August 25-September 24, 2020 among 1,200 U.S. adults ages 45-80. Survey participants included those who recently (since October 2019) had joint replacement surgery prior to COVID-19, had joint replacement surgery during COVID-19 or postponed their joint replacement surgery as a result of COVID-19, and those who are a caregiver to someone in these groups. This online survey is not based on a probability sample and therefore no estimate of theoretical sampling error can be calculated.